Adidas swears by it - London Marathon ad contains cursing

Adidas has had to apologize for cussing in their ads, a double page spread promoting the London Marathon was illustrated by a runners thoughts, which made up the image of a runner.

Runners have dirty minds it seems, as some lines read: “Tonight Matthew, I’m going to be absolutely shagged.”, “What twat invented cobbles?”, “Looks like those tight gits at work will have to stump up some cash after all.”, and “Charity my arse.”

Adidas London runner advert

Also on posters this week is Fauja Singh, a popular Sikh whos 93 years old and will run the London Marathon, he's promised to break his own record of 5.40 hours this year. The Adidas poster proclaims: "The Kenyans better watch out for him when he hits 100"

You can get your own desktop images of the posters at adidas website (click downloads).

Fauja Singh

Client: adidas

Typographer: Dan Beckett
Art Director : Paul Silburn
Copywriter : Paul Silburn, Kerry Gooden, Stuart Harkness
Creative Director: Trevor Beattie, Paul Silburn
Advertising Agency: TBWALondon

Account Handler: Jonathan Hall, Dan Gregson
Marketing Communications Manager: Audrey Schillings

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