Brando Digital on sugar-high as everyone tweets sweets to them with #tweetsweets

The answer there is YES, of course you should.

@brando_digital have been playing around with the hashtag #tweetsweets all day , you can watch them live here as they god candy all day long, and soon they will come crashing down from extreme sugar-highs I'm sure, as I've seen the server itself buckle under from traffic at least once.

It's been highly amusing, as everyone at the agency have been silly on webcamera. For example, @BethKocher and @ohsochelsey had a gobstopper race checking who could fit the most in their mouths, with Chelsey declared the talented mouth winner after managing to somehow gob up 12 in one go.

Now, thoughtmade had a candy dispenser react to hashtags last year, so I did say I'd badland you a little. Done. Now can I have a #tweetpint please?

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