Link Lust: Guinness vampire, Chris Farley in ads, scary images from People of Walmart

Guinness scores another win with their Halloween print ad. Though, those car keys should have been left out.

Adfreak thinks the Chris Farley spot for DirectTV feels wrong. Like it's too soon. It's been ten years, too soon would be a Patrick Swayze ad.

There are some really unfortunate brand appearances at a whole new meaning to taste the rainbow and John Deere did not sponsor this car

The whole point of pointless planet is to mock ads, dissecting them one screenshot at a time.

Bannerblog Shows off a really nice sliding Banner for ICA in Sweden. Drag it too hard and the guy gets on a bike, helmet and all, to keep up with you. check the ICA banner here.

James P. Othmer, author of Adland the book with its own commercial was in the powerhouse lineup on the beancast yesterday, other sharp minds who gabbed about the death of direct were Edward Boches, CCO Mullen, Joseph Jaffe, President Crayon and Ben Kunz from Mediassociates.

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