Mobil 1 - Get personal - (2013) :60 (UK)

Dave rolls into his driveway and is greeted by a timekeeping babe, this marks the beginning of a rather different journey through a 1970s styled home. Everywhere Dave turns there's a racetrack person, one reporting on his performance, a few in his kitchen, there's the pit stop crew who wash his car, there's the engine crew who are picking apart an engine in the dining room. There's even a wind tunnel in his garage. Dave, you have a weird house. Even in the bedroom they're there.

Advertised brand: Mobil1

Advert title(s): ‘Get Personal’
Headline and copy text (in English): Get Personal With Motorsport

Advertising Agency: AMV BBDO, London, UK
Agency website:
Creative Director: John LaMacchia, Simon Foster
Art Director: Tim Vance
Copywriter: Paul Knott

Additional credits:
Account Team: Rebecca Tickle, Ildut Loarer, Prachi Virani
TV producer: Rebecca Holt
Director: Speck/Gordon
Production Company: Blink

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