Pantone makeup and cake? Sure, why not.

That Pantone holds the key to mouth-watering color is no surprise to anyone here, we've drooled over Kim's Pantone Chip Cookies before . Now French bakers are making little tartes in pantone colors, seen in french culinary magazine fricote. The recipes for making the tarts accompany the images, the full spread (sans recipes) can be viewed at Designboom.
As if that wasn't enough, Sephora and the Pantone Universe have created a color of the year makeup collectors kit that any self-respecting Pantone-fan simply must have. Yes that includes you boys, a little gloss never hurt anyone. src="">Kim's Pantone Chip Cookies before . Now French bakers are making little tartes in pantone colors, seen in french culinary magazine fricote. The recipes for making the tarts accompany the images, the full spread (sans recipes) can be viewed at Designboom.
As if that wasn't enough, Sephora and the Pantone Universe have created a color of the year makeup collectors kit that any self-respecting Pantone-fan simply must have. Yes that includes you boys, a little gloss never hurt anyone.

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