Vardag offers application forms

Everyone is streamlining their operations. Staff is cut. Fallon in NYC fired all creatives (20 people from the agency) except their CD whom we assume, will have to do all the work now. Vardag a swedish agency that for once is not located in Stockholm, has come up with an unusual way of shortcutting the ordering of ads process.

Read more to see their "applications for personal art by mail form" form.

Vardag is an agency founded by Peter Viksten an art director who grew tired of freelancing his way through europe via Mother and KesselsKramer. Together with his copywriter Ulf Brännström they figure toungue-in-cheekly: "There's not enough ads that needs to be done up here in the woods of Sweden so I hope this will bring in some money."

They have actually received orders for art, one form was returned to them filled in as follows:

Painting, Modern, Elitist; target audience: Pornstars, Conceptual, 1-3m, $500.

and they are working on it right now. :)

Click on the image to download the actual PDF file. Vardag seems to keep quite busy anyway, they have recently produced a series of posters to advertise "Sweden" that are free to bring along from any Swedish airport, to be posted in the airport the swedish traveller might land in.

Stylistic copy-only posters they mock the swedish Jante law and other national traits in english dry humored headlines.

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