AMP - Walk of Shame - (2008) :60 (USA)

From BBDO New York for PepsiCo’s AMP, and directed by Tim Godsall via Biscuit Films. Bryan Newman was DoP and the editing house was Nomad.
Now sing along with us;
When you wake up in the morning, in an unfamiliar place,
and you can’t remember where or when, let alone her face...

David Lubars, Chief Creative Officer
Bill Bruce, Chief Creative Officer
Gianfranco Arena, Creative Director
Peter Kain, Creative Director
Alex Shulhafer, Art Director
Alexis Bello, Copywriter
Amy Wertheimer, Exec Agency Producer
Loren Parkins, Music, Exec Agency Producer
Director: Tim Godsall
Prod. Co. : Biscuit Films

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