The Beancast: Sleep deprivation is worth it.

Slightly sleep deprived Monday for me as I jumped in to join the Beancast last night, together with other W's: @themshow (John Wall of Roninmarketeer) @kenwheaton (Ken Wheaton atAdAge) @awolk (Alan Wolk You can download the episode here in glorious mp3.

Right out of the gate, we're talking about the FTC regulations, Ken doesn't think they make any sense at all, and he challenges them by posting :How Many FTC Violations Can I Cram Into One Post? today. Adage's Editorial today is headlined: FTC's Blog Rules Excessive, Ridiculous and Hypocritical and in our discussion about this on the Beancast, I learned that I can get away with anything being in Sweden. So hey y'all, Drink Bishops Finger! (now all I have to do is get Sheperd Neame to sponsor me!). Alan Wolk is in Adage this week as well with his column: Niche Brands Should Embrace Big Market for Offbeat Content.

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