BETC DIGITAL brings us the hybrid graphic novel for Peugeot

Click on over to Peugeot Hybrid4 graphic novel, which is a bit like letting the computer screen read a wordless comic book for you. They call it "a hybrid online experience at the intersection of comic books and screen". In it we see the nimble and swift heroine dashing, climbing, jumping and backwards-flipping her way through the night in a way Batman would envy, only to find that she's not alone when she arrives home. Each one of her terrain-defying moves has an equal in the Peugeot Hybrid4 car, which is shadowing her every move.

At home, when she finds that her bed is already occupied, the gear shift displays: "Switching to Zev for a silent entry" and then something else when you "need to speed things up". OH HA HA, innuendo!

There's also a trailer for the novel on youtube. No, I don't understand why either.

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