The Big Ad Gig - win a paid 30 day placement at NYC hot shop

So, you want to work in advertising? You want to bend the ear of Jimmy, Andreas, Andrew, Khai and Ty? The Big Ad Gig is your chance - send your portfolio, your resume and complete one of the clips they have on the site to get their attention. To get work from them, you have to make them work for you - their clips are short and sweet, but you can create award winning creative stuff with that, right? Even the wee rubber ducky that jimmy has? Yeah, the rubber ducky is an easy punchline. Leave the rubber ducky alone.

The prize? Paid 30 days of placement at top shops (there's five gigs going!), industry accolades, and the contents of a mystery pink box. iPad? Hitachi Rabbit? Gold bar? Bag of Anthrax? Who knows.

As if that's not enough - at 10 AM on September 30th in the New York Times building, each finalist will be given 4 minutes to present their solution to the Ad Council assignment in front of our panel of judges and a live audience. Scary? You betcha, it'll be like american idol, mate. Hopefully, with less singing.

So get cranking, because by 11:59 PM on August 23rd (that's in eighteen days guys), you'll need to submit the work to qualify for the initial round of the competition.

The catch? Contest open only to legal residents of the 50 US states or DC. Yes. That's why Ty Montague is screaming "nooo!" in the clip. He feels your pain, all ye non-US hungry creatives. He really does.

The Big ad gig - Ty

the big ad gigsrc="">The Big ad gig - Ty

the big ad gig

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