Britney! Please Don't Die!

This ad ran in the full page ad in the New York Daily News today , and the headlines reads “DON’T DIE BRITNEY!” The body copy continues, “While the rest of the world is going in and out of rehab, Canterbury Institute has changed the rules of addiction treatment forever.” Ah, yes, it' a campaign on this theme - they'll combine the "Don't Die" with a famous persons name and get the punters attention. Their press release says "The company’s first ad, “Don’t Die Lindsay!” gained national attention last month on “The View,” Fox News’ “The Cavuto Report” and MSNBC."

It might not sell addiction treatment, but I reckon “DON’T DIE BRITNEY!” works even better.

In other shocking Britney news, her new album got four out of five globes in Metro today.

Canterbury Institute

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