Care for a slice of Logo-Pizza?


Yes! Finally! Edible logos! Why the hell not, right? We've already done ads on the pizza crust, on the pizza boxes and naturally on the eggs that made the dough, frankly it was only a matter of time before the whole pizza turned into one giant logo-fest. Now on to solving branding things on their way out. Yes. I went there. C'mon, like a logotastic pizza isn't gross. Please.

NBA finds odd places for licensed logos.

If you like this, you'll dig the Top Ten new ad space ideas in the past ten years.

src="’s-ad-my-soup">ads on the pizza crust, on the pizza boxes and naturally on the eggs that made the dough, frankly it was only a matter of time before the whole pizza turned into one giant logo-fest. Now on to solving branding things on their way out. Yes. I went there. C'mon, like a logotastic pizza isn't gross. Please.

NBA finds odd places for licensed logos.

If you like this, you'll dig the Top Ten new ad space ideas in the past ten years.

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