David&Goliath's agency group photo shoot shut down by police


You know, I feel lke leaving y'all with that headline, then the photo, and you sitting there with your mouth open wondering what the hello kitty...? for a moment, just like that.

It's Ok. I'll wait.

Yeah. So maybe your brain went in all sorts of directions thinking that perhaps there was a large dummy-head stuffed with bloody innards looking so realistic that witnesses called the cops. Nope, that's not it. Keep thinking. Yep, that's it, the smoke machines got them in trouble. Well that and the flashes setting off over and over in combination - see they shoot this on the roof of the agency, which is in El Segundo (yes, where that guy left his wallet), which is right near LAX. Mid-shoot the agency was confronted by three police cars and told to shut down. You do not mess with the LAPD.

Apparently, the numerous camera flashes were interfering with the airport control tower and incoming planes. D&G apologized and shut down immediately. It was quite a scene, a clan of 110 hooded soldiers surrounded by smoke and cop cars. Not your typical group shot…

Their idea behind this gruesome image? Do you need an explanation? The name is David&Goliath!

CCO: David Angelo
ECD: Colin Jeffery
CD: John Kieselhorst
AD: Eric Waetzig
Art buyer/producer: Barb Sanson
Retouching: Bullseye
Photographer: Ryan Schude

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