Detroit jinx machine strikes again: BBDO Signals End to Chrysler Relationship

Rather sad news at Adage: BBDO Signals End to Chrysler Relationship, Its Detroit Office

In a sign that the end of Chrysler's relationship with BBDO is near, executives familiar with the situation said BBDO's Detroit office will close its doors in January, leaving the fate of its remaining 485 employees up in the air.
The news of BBDO Detroit's shuttering was delivered today and in-person by BBDO Worldwide President-CEO Andrew Robertson, who called an emergency meeting of all staffers and told them the agency needs to "plan for a life without Chrysler from February 2010."

As one commenter put it, they're "Another victim of the Bob Nardelli factor. Never before has a man been paid so much to accomplish so little." to which another quipped : "how does this man continue to find work? that's two companies he's practically single-handedly run into the ground. huh. now that i think of it... would love to see him become CEO of walmart."

Either way, expect to compete for work with an entire agency from Detroit unless a miracle lands in their lap soon.

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