Dissolve - This Is a Generic Brand Video - (2014) 2:50 (USA)

Dissolve used the words from Kendra Eash's "This is a generic brand video" at McSweeneys, added all the generic clips they have to it and made an epic generic ad. Much like our manifesto ad generator, this is a manifesto ad with extremely typical visuals and words, albeit a generic one, and while we agree with Adweek that it's "hilarious on different levels"... I also see a wee bit of an issue here.

It's an ad for Dissolve stock footage. They just told me that their stock footage is generic. "Dissolve, the generic stock" - oh yeay.

Might not matter in the long run, as we all think that all stock footage is generic anyway, and they are amusing the heck out of people who hate having to build ads out of stock footage. Perhaps a little familiar injoking will make you think about Dissolve in a positive manner? Or perhaps it will make us fight even harder against stock footage because we hate manifesto ads and don't work at Chiat.

It's preaching to the converted who don't like stock, and if you're actually selling stock that seems like a bad idea. Until you get the next brief with no budget for shooting that sunset in Dubai you totally need....

Client: Dissolve

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