Do The Green Thing - Mary and Joe (2007) 1:25 (USA)

People have understood the value of old things for centuries. It is believed that even Mary and Joseph discussed it at length on their long trip to Bethlehem. This video by renowned historical film-makers Ben & Greg recreates that conversation absolutely faithfully for DoTheGreenThing.

Green Thing is a not-for-profit online community that makes it easy and enjoyable to be green. December’s green thing is all about buying an old thing, not a new thing. New things are the fanciest and most sped-up things and have the almost irresistible appeal of being the latest thinggreen. Green Thing is an easy thing, a fun thing, a creative thing and a community thing - for anyone who wants to be a bit greener but hasn’t yet found a way. Because lots of small things can add up to more than a few big things, Green Thing suggests one easy thing a month to tempt as many people as possible to do it. And because entertainment is very inspiring and lectures a bit less so, the monthly Green Things are suggested with brilliant content from a growing community of brilliant writers, musicians, designers, directors and artists - pro and am, young and old.

Creatives: Ben & Greg
Production Co: Partizan
Talent: Siobhan Hayes, Ian Rixon, Donkey

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