Dove "Choose beautiful" (2015) 3:40 (USA)

Remember once upon a time when Dove ads for women were actually smart? Now we've gone from showing women how beautiful they really are, to shaming women for walking through a door marked "Average," instead of the "Beautiful," door. As if A. most really even noticed the door and B. that walking through a door (to the same location, by the way) is somehow is an indictment of how they feel all the time. .
I feel like there's a fairy godmother at the end of this ad saying "All you have to do is choose the right door, and you'll be beautiful. All you have to do is choose. "

Holy shit.

This is what passes for smart advertising to women now? We've now stooped so low that the Independent is now writing an a barely disguised advertorial about it. Average is right.

Client: Dove

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