First 3D ipad ad for The Edge

Promoting a series called The Edge for the US Weather Channel are photographs from Peter Lik in 3D on the iPad. The combination of PageKit and RenderKit allows for creating immersive ads, where in effect you feel like you can peek around Peter's amazing images of the Grand Canyon. Source: BBC

"We are able to represent 3D objects on a 2D device by drawing out all the different angles from the scene. As viewers change perspectives using gestures on their mobile device, we show them the corresponding image. This makes it feel like they are at the Grand Canyon," he added.

He said that the iPad lends itself easily to 3D because of a users ability to interact using the touchscreen and tilt functions.

"Until recently the big stumbling block has been the graphics processor that gives you the ability to display these 3D models in a way that is effective, fast and efficient. And that has changed with these next generation devices like the iPad, iPhone and Android devices where we have been able to take advantage of the native processing power they have," he said.

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