Got Milk - Sweet Loves Milk - (2015) :30 (USA)

To me it looks like someone got really inspired by GS&P's old Fruitopia kaleidoscope ads of the 90s, whilst listening to Flight of the Conchords 'Foux Da Fa Fa', but hey, it works really well so I'm not going to knock it. It's not your expected "Got Milk", no elaborate backstory like the Moloko ad, as here you dance through the donuts, the PB&J sandwiches & the flying cupcakes - then suddenly we're trust back into reality, and realize you need milk. Like the very first ads in the campaign, the realisation is quite abrupt and so very true. Honestly, this doesn't need the "sweet loves milk" button, but I'm sure someone insisted on a thirst-inducing image of the product.

Agency: Goodby Silverstein & Partners

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