Haribo Gold - Flavor / Kid office meeting room (2010)

Haribo show us kids playing boardroom, and it's exactly like a real one, right down to the bespeckled girl having her data corrected by an an annoying dude, and the hip online-girls information about the "buzz online" being totally ignored. All the boys get individual kudos for their input though. Then it's all tied up by the bespeckled girl kissing the bosses ass. It's just another day in the boardroom folks. At least it's not a Pedo-bear enticing kids to get on the strange bus with candy like the one aired in Denmark. Yes, I'm reading way too much into things today. I'm bored. The other boardroom ad "Taste" is just as unfunny, even with Mom as comedic relief, so they have their tone-of-voice down to fit the candy pretty good. Chewy, standard and predictable.

Ad agency: TBC

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