Illinois Lottery - Joy someone campaign

When Energy BBDO/Chicago set out to promote the Illinois Lottery as a "good gift idea" for the holidays, they pulled out all the media stops. For radio they updated the classic carol to include “…the pizza guy who pre-blots your pizza” and “the trainer you totally have a crush on” as well as your heroic co-worker who turns on your computer so that nobody will know that your late. On the street, BBDO set up street teams that "encourage by passers to participate and hype up the promotion" by first asking them to sing (and be videotaped) the Illinois Lottery “Joy Someone” carol, which can be put on as well as - and a second song would be a carol of the participants choice. After which, the participants are given a free taxi ride anywhere they fancied to go. It all wraps up with this TV commercial.

Illinois Lottery - Joy someone - (2009) :30 (USA)

CLIENT: Illinois Lottery
BRAND: Holiday Promotion

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