It's Friday. Lets get Mad Men drunk.

The Denver Egotist have already begun the race to the bar as they point out Debonair Magazines "The drinks of Mad Men".

There's The Manhattan, The Gimlet, The White Russian, the Tom Collins, the Gibson, and Drapers Old Fashioned.
But there's no drink for me! You see, I drink "Mocktails" and outgrew the classic Shirley Temple twenty years ago. My preferred drink is often called "The last call" but can also be ordered under the name "Tropical Ale".
You'll need 3 oz pineapple juice, 3 oz ginger ale and a spoonful of grenadine to get this right. Serve in a tall glass with ice, and garnish with a maraschino cherry so that I have something to do with my tongue besides cracking bad jokes all evening. (It's when you swap the pineapple for grapefruit it becomes a "Last Call")

Pocket Cocktails iPhone app has the how-to on classic cocktails, and mocktails too.

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