Lily Allen "Our Time (ft Axe fans)" (2014) 4:19 (France)

It's a participatory video for Axe Peace Project starring Lily Allen in which she makes half a heart shape and sings about peace. Then people all over teh interwebs made the other half of the heart and took a photo of it and with a little green screen action, presto! It's a modern day Kumbaya. The video featured a whopping 53 people in it.

This is part of a larger campaign in which Axe has joined up with Peace One Day - an international non-profit organization that raises awareness about world peace. Peace Day is on September 21. It is an annual day of non-violence and cease-fire that is officially recognized by the UN member states. That's good, because the UN Is so effective at creating and maintaining World Peace.

You can go to Axe Peace Project and learn more, if you understand French and are so inclined to learn more. I'm still confused as to how during all the libido action, Axe somehow found World Peace, but hey--all campaigns must evolve at some point.

Agency: Une Agence Américaine
Advertiser : Axe (Unilever france)
Brand Manager Axe : Pierre Maherou
Agency Manager : Nicolas Bouvet
Executive Production : R-Lines Production
Director: Ludoc (Studio Bagel)

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