Microsoft shocked that Family Guy isn't PC, pulls ads from show.

Whomever did the media buy at Microsoft must have been sleeping under a rock for quite some time, as adage reports: Microsoft Shocked 'Family Guy' Humor Includes Incest, Holocaust Jokes.

Everybody has been saying that the Microsoft Windows 7 + Family Guy match will suck, and by everybody I mean brandfreak and Gizmodo who called it "the hackiest ever hackathon". Except me, because looking at everything from Seinfield to those House Parties then Kylie the cute and the random Windows 7 music video styled adverts aimed at college kids (one, two,three, four & more), I thought it was pretty clear that Microsofts advertising is as dysfunctional as the Family Guy family.

"We initially chose to participate in the Seth and Alex variety show based on the audience composition and creative humor of 'Family Guy,' but after reviewing an early version of the variety show it became clear that the content was not a fit with the Windows brand," a Microsoft spokesperson said in an e-mail statement. "We continue to have a good partnership with Fox, Seth MacFarlane and Alex Borstein and are working with them in other areas. We continue to believe in the value of brand integrations and partnerships between brands, media companies and talent."

Hat tip to @mtlb , that's makethelogobigger on twitter.

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