Miller Genuine Draft drops ad agency and campagin

Brandweek reports that Miller Brewing is dropping its Miller Genuine Draft "Beer. Grown Up" campaign created by The Martin Agency. Teasers for the campagin started running at the end of 2005, with the meat of the campaign first airing during the Academy Awards in February. Ad chores are being moved to Young & Rubican, Chicago and the agency will be developing a new campaign.

Miller's beer industry blog broke the news on Friday. The post included this tidbit as well:

While the advertising will be evolving, Miller Genuine Draft’s positioning remains constant. Miller said it believes the Y&R campaign, which will push beyond beer conventions through stylized use of visuals and music, will more directly resonate with consumers.

MGD / Miller Genuine Draft - Red Line - long (2006) :60 (USA)

MGD / Miller Genuine Draft - Hello, Goodbye (2006) :30 (USA)

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