Miller rebrands MGD

In an effort to reverse MGD's sales slump, Miller is overhauling the Genuine Draft and Genuine Draft Light brands with new advertising, packaging, and logo.

Genuine Draft and Genuine Draft Light are being marketed as having "mainstream sophistication," said Terry Haley, Genuine Draft brand manager. The campaign will feature the tag line: "Beer. Grown Up."

The campaign will target consumers who have "come of age" through various milestones in their lives. The group is somewhat older than the usual target market and largely has been ignored by major brewers, Haley said.

"We've defined a new consumer," he said.

Brewers have ignored beer drinkers who "don't fit into the traditional marketing box," Haley said.

A teaser campaign began in mid-November. February will see a "bridge" campaign before the full-fledged campaign aimed at rebranding MGD launches March 1.

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