Mohawk Flooring - Frozen Moment - (2009) :30 (USA)

I'm getting this carpet if it comes with an automatic pause button that freezes all the kids who are just about to spill all sorts of sticky, stainy foods over the floor. It doesn't? Darn! I could have used it for when I have a headache and want the house a bit quieter....

Cramer-Krasselt, clearly chuffed that they got to do something interesting in the usually boring flooring category explain;

Using a motion-controlled system, the spot provides a 360-view, story-telling approach showcasing a family frozen in countless acts of carpet damage. From Dad dropping a tray of hot dogs and mustard to children kicking over guacamole and salsa, dropping ice cream sundaes and the kicker—bright red juice, Mom has it in control. “Don’t worry. It’s SmartStrand.”

Client: Mohawk Flooring
Agency: Cramer-Krasselt/Milwaukee
Production Company: Bully Pictures
Director: Fredrik Callinggard

Chris Jacobs (Executive Creative Director)
Chris Buhrman (Creative Director)
Jim Root (Art Director)
Sandy DerHovsepian (Copywriter)
Dinah Goris (Agency Producer)
Jason Forest (Executive Producer)

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