Neato - One Night Stand - (2015) :30 (USA)

The morning after the party she wakes up, to hear a man greet her good morning. Oh he's handsome! Score! Then he gets up and oh he's hairy, less of a score, because this is beyond the attractive hair limit and into the caveman hair type area.
Enter the robot vacuum cleaner, who knows.... Uh, getting a little creepy here, Mr Vacuum, does it DNA test the hair? Kidding, kidding.

Client: Neato
Titles: “Card,” “House Sitter,” “Late Night Snack,” “One Night Stand,” “Piñata” 5 x :30
Agency: Doner/LA
Agency Producer: Bob Samuel
Production Company: GO
Director: Brigg Bloomquist
Managing Director: Gary Rose
Executive Producer: Adam Bloom
Executive Producer: Catherine Finkenstaedt
Line Producer: Greg Jones
Production Supervisor: Carol Fahey
DP: Pablo Berron
Editorial: Cut & Run

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