Netjets - Everything else is just a plane. (2002) - 0:30 (USA)

Are you marginally wealthy and tired of falling into all those pesky time share plans? Well, Netjets has the perfect offer for you. Instead of "time share," which everyone now knows is a bad deal, they offer "fractional ownership" of your very own private jet! Well, maybe not your very own, and maybe not very private, but it is certainly fractional. Imagine the convenience of having a plane for whenever you need it, as long as the other 200 owners aren't using it on the other side of the planet or have it booked for the next six months.

I especially like the scene of the nearsighted pilot squinting off into the distance, and also the demonstration of the reliability of the plane by somebody poking around on the engine with what appears to be the Mi-T 'Mazing Wrench 2000® from late night infomercials. I'm sold!

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