NYU Langone Medical Center "Winter Athletes" (2015) :30 (USA)

This spot was created using real people and not professional actors to celebrate the everyday "athlete," hop skipping and jumping their way around New York winters. Interesting take for NYU Langone Orthopedics.

Agency: Munn Rabôt
Client: NYU Langone Medical Center
Creative Director: Peter Rabôt
Producer: Deanna Shenn

Director/DP: Antony Hoffman
Production Company: Believe Media
EP: Mark O’Sullivan
Producer: Lisa Hollingshead

Editor: Paul LaCalandra / Whitehouse Post
Telecine: Fergus McCall / The Mill
Titles: Kieran Walsh / CarbonVFX
Audio: Kevin Halpin / Color Audio
Music: DuoTone
Voiceover: Tom Morrisey (Ingrid French, agent)

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