Origen XBOX 360, two bunnies under a tree countdown - nothing is happening

33 day countdown with bunnies. This strange thing from Xbox and AKQA has been puzzling people all over the web for weeks, people all over are reporting on changes, bunny-movements and speculating what will happen when the countdown is finished.

Well, the clock in Rådhusets tower just struck twelve here and my timezones countdown is finished, and this is what happened:

Nothing at all. Weird.

A press release from Microsoft said that Origen is: "A place to play Xbox 360 before anyone else. A place to play all the Xbox 360 launch titles. A place to take on other gamers." and "European race for entry into Origen starts on 27 September 2005." Presumably, it should work now then, since it's mid-day in CET right now (Copenhagen, Madrid, Brussels etc). Nothing is happening! (yet!)

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