Relaxed denizens in denim hang around Union Sq. San Fran

These strange denim creatures recently appeared in Union sq. San Francisco. Says:

They hang around quietly, not making a fuss inviting passers by to give them a glance. That they are across the street from the large Levis store and dressed in the latest denim is about the only clue you'll have to them being ads for Levis.

Saw this "ad" for Levis while passing through Union Square in San Francisco the other day. As seen in the pix it was constructed entirely from Levis denim, stood near seven feet tall, and drew tons of attention.

Funny part was the thing was real calm and nonchalant, like it was supposed to be there, on lunch break, or something. And then also, from what I saw, there were no flyers or forced promotional handouts, and no talking either. Just a Levis creature hanging out (mostly around in front of the Levis store), minding it's own business, acting almost too cool-ish. Definitely an interesting attention getter. Got mine anyway.

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