Rooftop ads made even more useless: now with QR codes

Remember in when a media agency selling only rooftop space opened back in 2006, with the goal to be seen on Google Maps satellite photos? Now Blue Marble Brand have added QR Codes to that idea, just to make extra sure this satellite image google-map adspot is going to fail spectacularly. Sure, we might be able to think up practical applications, such as a hospital painting a QR code on their rooftop that brings you to their site and phone number, but how often will people randomly open up their QR code scanner when they look at Google image map satellite photos just out of curiosity? Once, twice, maybe even three times. Unless a killer app appears out of nowhere that changes our search habits, so randomly browsing the satellite map images is the first thing you do when you're looking for a shoe store, I don't think this will work. At least it's not as intrusive as the ad beamers that send sound waves to your head as you walk past.

By connecting your company’s physical profile on Earth to the millions of people searching for products and services on the Internet, Blue Marble provides an efficient, innovative and effective way to connect you and your customers.

src="">rooftop space opened back in 2006, with the goal to be seen on Google Maps satellite photos? Now Blue Marble Brand have added QR Codes to that idea, just to make extra sure this satellite image google-map adspot is going to fail spectacularly. Sure, we might be able to think up practical applications, such as a hospital painting a QR code on their rooftop that brings you to their site and phone number, but how often will people randomly open up their QR code scanner when they look at Google image map satellite photos just out of curiosity? Once, twice, maybe even three times. Unless a killer app appears out of nowhere that changes our search habits, so randomly browsing the satellite map images is the first thing you do when you're looking for a shoe store, I don't think this will work. At least it's not as intrusive as the ad beamers that send sound waves to your head as you walk past.

By connecting your company’s physical profile on Earth to the millions of people searching for products and services on the Internet, Blue Marble provides an efficient, innovative and effective way to connect you and your customers.

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