Sechs in billboards

Too Sechsy for their ads? - hat tip to Claymore.

MSNBC puns that controversy brews over Sechs sexy beer ads, which dares to not show anything but be 'more cerebral' punning away on the name of the beer. The headlines read: "How you have Sechs is none of our business," "As long as you're 21, it's OK to pay for Sechs" and "It's OK to have Sechs by yourself."

"The first billboard campaign was the next level in our test marketing to sort of get the name out there. (It's) about creating awareness," said Michael Lipscomb, President of Sechs Beer.

Critics say children shouldn't be exposed to this, but Lipscomb believes his campaign is less harmful than the visual sexual images in most mainstream advertising.

"I have kids and I know that my kids understand that kind of advertising. What we try to do is try to be a little bit more cerebral in nature and have fun with a product that obviously is geared for 21 and older adult drinkers," Lipscomb said.

Don't miss the Sechs Beer site, check out their eCards to get a taste of the campaign.

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