Sometimes a cigar is just a layout.

as Paul Arden put it: A layout is never an idea. Here's proof. If you find an idea in here - you're a better adgrunt.

Client: Lee Agency: Fallon McElligotArt Director: Mike Fazende Creative Director: Pat Burnham Copywriter: Bill Miller Photographer: Kerry Peterson, Carl Furuta Line reads: Introducing Sky Wash. Seen In: It was item 208 in the Art Directors Annual # 70 (1991). So it was probably produced in 1990. (well, hey, It's 'introducing' Sky washed, you can tell this ad is old, can't you? *grin*)

Client: Playtex Agency: Guessing here..O&M NY?AD: Dunno

CW: DunnoLine reads: Caution: This new Playtex bra causes spontaneous combustion.Seen In: The Playtex ripoff appeared in the June 14, 1999 issue of People magazine

Client:lea&Perrins Agency: I dunno Do you??AD: --

CW: --Line reads: If it's not marinated in Lea & Perrins, something's missing Seen In: The Lea & Perrin's campaign has also been running for a year. It appears regularly in magazines like People, where this sample was found. The only thing that changes is the type of meat used in the background. That's what makes it a "campaign" *sigh*

Client: Papermate Agency: Anyone who knows wins a high-fiveAD: --

CW: --Line reads: The heart of the idea behind the high-performance Paper Mate Dynagrip. Seen In: The Paper Mate campaign broke last year. The sample here is taken from the September 7, 1998 issue of Newsweek. The agencies and creatives associated with these are unknown. Lucky for them.

What can I say? Void of any real idea it seems the layout style took over and became the idea. Stop yourself before you do this, since every clever layout has been done before and a layout is not an idea. Shame, since they are getting towards the right thought in the playtex ad. Couldn't they just show a pair of scorched/burnt mens shoes, letting us know that the guy combusted just looking at the (not pictured in this version of the ad) bra? Or something like that/different. That would have been cute. Now it's just...old. Ten years old.... And one wonders where the woman wearing the red bra in the playtex ad went to..Did she combust?? Thanx to's king of research for spotting all of these ads and as much info about them as he could find. "As I said, there are many other ads out there inspired by that 10 year old Lee ad. The two attached are currently running, which means including the Playtex ad, there are three campaigns in circulation using this gimmick--often in the same publications. " Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't... The papermate one being such a horrific example I can't be bothered giving it a nasty comment... Gimmick is the word. But you might want to add something to this?

Another Adland visitor sent in this ad, proving that the layout gimmick is definatly overused and we'll probably never run out of examples.

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