Super Bowl XLI Commerical Review - Fourth Quarter

Well, that's it. Congrats to the Colts. Notable ads from this quarter included NFL's "Time to Say Goodbye" spot, E-Trade "One Finger" spot, and Budweiser's "Crabs" spot. [4th Quarter] Anheuser-Busch/Budweiser - (:60) "Crabs" - Cute. Red crabs turn up on a beach, carry off the cooler of beers and proceed to worship it. [Agencies: DDB, Chicago, Downtown Partners, Toronto, Mortar Inc., Chicago and Cannonball, St. Louis] Prudential Life Insurance - "Rock" - The voiceover tells how much a rock can do and what it can mean while showing various life moment spots. Ok.

Honda Motor Co. - (:30) "Elvis" for their CR-V SUV was released back in September. I'm not a fan of this spot. It's not bad but it's not much more than a car surrounded by lights while Pevlis plays [Agency: RPA, Santa Monica, Calif.] HP - "Paul Teutel Sr" - A new spot in HDTV featuring Paul Teutel, Sr (of TLC's Orange County Choppers) in the 'The Computer is Personal Again' campaign where PCs morph into motorcycles. I'm really not a huge fan of this campaign, mostly because I don't really care what some celebrity is doing with their computer. Still a decent ad that follows the campaign.

This is their first SB ad. [Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco] Phillips-Van Heusen - (:30) Ad to highlight Izod brand with the Izod PerformX line featuring 'Amazing Race' winner and model Tyler Denk. Meh - typical fashion ad. [Agency: In-house and HomeNYC] Anheuser-Busch/Bud Select - (:30) "Just A Game" - Features rapper Jay-Z facing off against former Miami Dolphins coach Don Shula in a chess-like rendering of a high-tech football game using holographic images. Ok. Nothing that exciting. Shame considering the celebs in the spot. [Agencies: DDB, Chicago, Downtown Partners, Toronto, Mortar Inc., Chicago and Cannonball, St. Louis] Flomax by Boehringer Ingelheim (:30) More happy, shiny people in this ad where a bunch of male friends bike and talk about having fun and not having to rush to the bathroom as often. Nothing special. [Agency: Grey] E-Trade - (:30) "One Finger" talks about all the things you can do with one finger, including trading stocks. Best part - "So tell your expensive broker where to go with one finger". Hah! Nice nice. [Agency: BBDO NY] Unsure what movie studio - Ad for Hannibal Rising Career Builder - (:30) "Performance Evaluation" - In the jungle setting, a man shows up for his review to find another man leaving topless and with binder clips attached to his skin. Ok. Good use of office supplies, although not as good as the "Promotion Pit" spot from earlier. Spot for new "It's a jungle out there" campaigndirected by Bryan Buckley of bicoastal/international Hungry Man. [Agency: Cramer-Krasselt, Chicago] Honda Motor Co. "Slalom" touting Honda as the most fuel-efficient brand in America in which cars maneuver through gas pumps set up in the dessert as driving cones. OK, shot nicely. [Agency: RPA, Santa Monica, Calif.] GoDaddy "Marketing" again. And yet again, *Yawn*. Snapple - (:30) "Green Tea" - Decent. The brand's first ever Super Bowl ads highlights their new super premium line of Red, White, Green and Black Teas. The spot in this quarter will focus on the "secret ingredient" of green tea (EGCG) and follows a tea-loving guy on his quest to China for metabolic enlightenment. It will prompt people to go to where they can watch an online only spot for Snapple's Red Tea. [Agency: Cliff Freeman & Partners] (more info NFL - "Hard to Say Goodbye" showed people putting away their football stuff. Then VO: It's hard to say goodbye. Shot of Brett Favre. VO: For some it's even harder. Decent, nice last ad to end the game on.

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