SVYTURYS Extra - Time crafted beer - (2012) :35 (Lithuania)

The release tells me that each layer of this clock opening shows a stage of brewing... All I know is that the delicate mechanism artfully opening like this, with the swirring and clicking sounds of real watch works has me drooling over the skilled execution... or for beer? Sure, why not. It may not be Miller time but it's my birthday and I'll beer if I want to.

Sophisticated and fragile clock mechanism narrates story about time, which is required for the perfect beer to be born. Each layer of luxurious clock symbolizes the key stages of brewing. It all starts with the golden barley harvest and ripe hops. Later we find ourselves in the sea side town where brewing tradition has been carried on for many years. Finally all highly polished layers spread out revealing the result of this journey. It’s about time - glowing bottle of beer, crafted in its own time.

Well done on the execution KORB, I raise my glass to you.

Client: Švyturys Creative Agency: Not Perfect | Y&R Production Company: La Moustache Director: Rimantas Lukavičius VFX / Design Comapny: KORB Music & Sound Design: ECHOLAB Composers: Tobias Norberg, Gavin Little Sound Design: Gavin Little, Joe McHugh

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