UCLA Extension "1000 Moments – Kirk Saduski” :30 (2015) (USA)

Kirk Saduski teaches at UCLA Extension and teaches non-fiction when he's not producing some non-fiction stories for film and television. Always nice to have working professionals teach you. As opposed to that portfolio teacher of yours who has been "freelancing," for ten years but is a little too eager to cash that portfolio school pay check.

Advertising Agency: Sensis
Creative Producer: Dan Peralta
Director of Client Services: Gloria Johnson
Account Executive: Daniel de la Torre
Art Director: Magdalena Cibula

Production Company: Twist
Director: Len Dickter (Tomato)
Writer: Len Dickter (Tomato)
DP: Christopher Pearson
President/Executive Producer: Jim Geib
Executive Producers: Amyliz Pera/Alissa Liebert
Line Producer: Nathan Haener
Staff Reps: Rob Neill / Daniel Mirsky / Kathryn Lotis

Editorial & VFX Company: Kilt
On-Set Supervision: Andrew MacDonald
Editorial/Online Editor: Andrew MacDonald
2D VFX/Animation Matte Painting: Andrew MacDonald, Todd Mesher
Composite/Rotoscope: Andrew MacDonald, Todd Mesher, Fernando de Souza
Executive Producer: Matthew McManus

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