Xerox "Everybody's talkin' at me..." (2015) :30 (USA)

Finding the right solution shouldn't take so much work...and it shouldn't be filled with the Buzzword Brigade yapping in your ears. Nice music choice--Harry Nilsson's "Everbody's Talkin'."

Client: Xerox
Agency: Y&R New York and VML New York
President: Jim Radosevic, Y&R
CCO: Leslie Sims, Y&R
Creative Director/Copywriter: Margot Owett, Y&R
Creative Director/Art Director: Fern Cohen, Y&R
Creative Director/Art Director: Aaron Frisch, Y&R
Art Director: Wendy Wen-Stadler, Y&R
Digital Creative Director: Brian Musich, VML
Associate Creative Director (Digital): Gary Baker, VML
Content Producer (TV): Zamile Vilakazi, Y&R
Print Producer: Louisa Gargiulo, Y&R
Production Company: Smuggler
Director: Chris Smith
Photographer: Chris Frazer Smith

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