Yaris - "I'll have her on her back by 11" advert offends with "incestuous overtones" and innuendo

The Saatchi & Saatchi approved winner of the Clever Film Competition for Toyota has already garnered some pretty offended feedback on their facebook page.

The competition, part of Toyota’s live social media pitch, gave $7000 to the winners for this ad, which was created by Play TV. The Clever Film judges consisted of Saatchi & Saatchi creative staff and Toyota representatives - which makes me wonder if this was voted upon just to scare brands off from using crowdsourcing.... [tin foil hat on!] - but then the top ten were simply judged on views and comments, and there is no doubt this one would garner plenty of views.

The rules of the competition were as follows;

Your film must not:
break the law
be immoral
contain any obscene language
portray the Toyota Yaris in a negative manner
show reckless or careless driving that is against the law.

And checking the terms, Toyota has brought themselves worldwide rights to whatever ads were entered for only $11000. A cheap way of getting lots of attention, isn't it?

While the ad has plenty of innuendo, I fail to see the "incestuous overtones" people are complaining about, unless they count dad's comment about the pounding - which is exactly what one FB commenter is doing.
The young man there for a date explains the cars features with the lines: "couple of nice big air bags to throw my head into” and “traction control for when it gets a bit slippery”. The father adds: "Really? So she can take a good pounding in any direction?"

Another FB comments: So you all complain that it makes women look like sex objects, but don't see a problem that it portrays men as complete horn dogs?

Toyota Yaris - Clean Getaways - (2009) :30 (Australia)

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