Yellow Pages - Billboards / Outdoor in Israel

Who still uses the Yellow Pages directory besides to put their coffee on or stop their cupboard from wobbling?

Well as throughout the rest of the world, the Yellow Pages directory in Israel was loosing ground to online directories.

Most consumers perceived the brand not only as old-fashioned but outdated.

In order to get people to start using the directory again we needed to rejuvenate its image and shake things up.

To do that, we needed an idea that would cut across the media clutter and illustrate the distinctive essence of the various Yellow Pages search categories' in a disruptive and attention-commanding way.

The creative born out of this concept, was a commercial and a series of billboards that demonstrate in an unexpected, humorous and offbeat way the wide range of professionals you can find on the Yellow Pages website.

Credits for these pieces goes to: Gideon Amichay, Tzur Golan, Yariv Twig, Shirley Bachar, Eyal Padan and Hadar Orpaz from Y&R Israel

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