Zulu Alpha Kilo - If concepts could talk (2013)

What if concepts could talk? The tissue papers hanging here duke it out and the characters are pretty much like the media they represent - especially Mr Crazy Ambient Idea *boum* explosions and shit - but in the end... The winner is.....

Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo
Creative Director: Zak Mroueh
Writer: George Ault & Nick Asik
Art Director: Mooren Bofill
Agency Producer: Tasha Dean & Bette Minott
Account Team: Jessica DeSantis
Production House: TOUCHPOINT Films
Director: Matthew Atkinson
Executive Producer: Kevin Saffer
Director of Photography: Rob Scarborough
Camera Assistant: Alex Ordanis
Production Coordinator: Russell Saffer
Editing Company: PosterBoy
Editor: Danica Pardo
Online Artist: Steve McGregor
Video Post Facility: Alter Ego
Colourist/Transfer: Tricia Hagoriles
Audio Post Facility/Music House: Pirate Toronto
Audio Directors: Steve Gardner & Tom Goudie
Audio Engineer: Spencer Hall & Ian Boddy
Audio Producer: Kate Goora-Fried

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