The anti-Christo

Austrian artists Christoph Steinbrener & Rainer Dempf have created an installation called Delete! which is de-littering the public space. For two weeks this summer Vienna's 7th district will be blissfully ad-free. All advertising signs, slogans, pictograms, company names and logos will disappear behind a yellow mask. The interest of businesses and shopowners, who by their participation become actors in the art project, has been surprisingly strong. Delete! will turn Neubaugasse in Vienna into a force field of social and cultural exchange.

Quite a step away from the recent chatter about the beach billboards that imprint ads all over a beaches sand. The only advantage this has is that the "printers" can also clean the beach. Ironically, the first beach billboard messages imprinted in New Jersey two years ago reminded peope to take care of their own litter. Hat tip to peacay!

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