Banpopups grassroots campaign lobbies to have popups banned in the US

She's mad as hell and she ain't gonna take it no more. Tammy Kendrick was so annoyed with pop-ups and pop-under popping away her time that she calculated what they cost and sent an invoice to the advertising company. When they refused to pay it, she built

"I estimate that PopUp advertising windows cost employers, on average, $160 per employee per year. There are real costs involved, not just the general 'frustration factor' nearly all Web users report," says Tammy Kendrick. "I figured out what it cost me, then sent a bill to an online advertising company whose adware had caused some real problems for me."

The website wants to initiate a class action lawsuit. It also includes a PopUp-ad-free "safe list" that Web surfers can use to avoid the annoying ads. The cherry on top is the area where website owners can join in and become a "Certified Safe Site".

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