Björn Borg dumps used icky underwear outside of the White House

Björn Borg have with their agency Farfar created the Peace On Earth campaign has asked the Björn Borg wearing public which world leader is most deserving of having old ugly underwear dumped on their front steps. The vote fell on George W Bush, so Björn Borg packed all the old undis they got up in boxes, flew to the states (New York actually), and began asking for directions to the White House. Jimmy Johansson at Björn Borg says: "We've left it to the consumer to decide who should receive the used underwear, and they choose Bush, so now we have personally made sure that the underwear was delivered."

Here's the film that shows the trip to the White House, which at the time of this posting had an amazing, uh, thirtyfive views on youtube. Pfft.

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