Bullying.org "Teens read mean tweets" (2015) 2:08 (USA)

This is an anti cyber-bullying campaign for bullying.org. It features a well-known segment from Jimmy Kimmel where celebrities read mean tweets about themselves, only this isn't Jimmy Kimmel, or celebrities. It's teenagers. And it's quite sad. And objectively speaking, like most web films, it's a minute too long. And that actually makes a difference here because if it's making me that uncomfortable I may not want to watch till the end where you tell me what to do about it.
Remember, the average attention span is seven seconds. Above average is thirty seconds. Two minutes, no matter how riveting, risks an audience tuning it out before you get to the point.

Client; Bullying.org
Advertising Agency: WAX
Creative Director: Trent Burton
Copywriter: Jordon Lawson
Art Director: Eric Seymour
Production: Jessica Seymour, Alexander Sakarev
Account Manager: Maddie Gautheir

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