Cannes Grand Prix Outdoor winner 2005

Ogilvy and Mather Santiago Chile brought home the Outdoor Grand Prix for this Escher like creation. Creative Director was Cesar Agost, Art Directors were Sergio Iacobelli and Sebastian Alvarado , copywriter Felipe Manalich Juab Carlos Sotello took the photo.

Another interesting poster comes from Clemenger BBDO, New Zealand for Sunsense Suncreen. The poster had aluminum pegs on it, white so they would hardly be sen when it was dark. But when, as the poster says - the sun is out - the different sized pegs create different length shadows.. Making the dot matrix image of a sun bathing woman. Neat! They only got a bronze for their efforts, congrats to the BBDO posse CD Philip Andrew, CW Nigel Corbett and AD Mark Harricks.

ALMAP BBDO in Sao Paulo will be taking a Silver Lion home to Brazil for their outdoor campaign for Let's Talk, a school that teaches English, which takes the mickey on some English celebrities. Creative Director: Cassio Zanatta/Giba Lages, Copywriter: Cassio Zanatta, Art Director: Giba Lages, Photographer: Fernando Nalon

Grabarz & Partner Werbeagentur, Hamburg in Germany made good use of their amibent media space with this demo ad for the VW Touareg, taking home a bronze lion. Creative Director: Ralf Nolting/Patricia Pätzold/Ralf Heuel (Cco), Copywriter: Martien Delfgauuw, Art Director: Tomas Tulinius, Photographer: Nico Weymann

TBWA/Paris picked up two awards with "Well" for Spontex. It won Silver for Press (magazine) and Bronze for Outdoor. Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen, Copywriter: Benoît Leroux, Art Director: Philippe Taroux/Clément Langlais, Photographer: Richard Dobson

See also; Cannes Lions Direct Winners
Cannes Media Lions Winners.
Cannes Press and poster winners
Cannes Cyber Lions Winners
Young Creatives Winners in Cannes

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