The Chip Shop awards will be on the Fringe

The Chip Shop awards is the place where a brain packed with ideas can dream up the most outrageous ads for any client on any product with any spend you can conjure up and enter. All those idea darlings that were too smart, too lewd, too clever by half are ripe for appreciation at the Chip Shop awards. Nothing fazes this jury - they even have a "best knob gag" category!

This year the Chip Shop awards are taking the forgotten and far too daring ad-ideas out of the industry and are showing them off as an official entry of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The entries will be on public view from the 23 to the 25 of August at the Elmwood Design premises in Thistle Street - right in the middle of the Fringe programme and the Festival action. On Friday, the exhibition will be exclusive for the entrants and other industry professionals only.

Make An Exhibition of Yourself
Experience tells us your entries will range from pretty bloody clever, through bad taste to totally barf making. And this coming together of Creative Cringe is a great fit for The Fringe.

So this year, for the first time, we’re letting you loose on a viewing public. And it’s more than usually savvy. Fringe fans have been there, seen it all and are probably wearing the wet t-shirt. Will your work have what it takes to rock and shock ‘em?

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