Electrolux - Explosion - (2014) :60 (Brazil)

Fatty terribly yummy foods explode in slow motion as a twee french song plays... It eventually leads us to the magic refrigerator that is equipped with a screen that presumably teaches you to eat healthier, while inside it's full of differently temperatured storage compartments for fruits and vegetables. Interesting, I'd like to learn more about that screen on the door, does it show recipes based on what's inside the fridge? That would be brilliant!
If you immediately thought of Fat Boy Slim's Gangsta Trippin' from 1998, you too suffer from Badland-tourettes. There is no known cure. Actually, the first time I badlanded this slow-mo-explosion execution idea was back in 2006. Should make an explosive Badland collection one day.

Agency : F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Publicidade Ltda.
Client: Electrolux

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