HBC - Bullet Time - (2008) 1:16 (Finland)

Some more testing of file uploading/converting. This time using a Matroska (.mkv) container and work done by maxon, Felor and D fast of Half Bit Cheese and eetu of Maturefurk, released at Icons 2008 as a teaser for their Assembly 2008 wild demo release. Check out more stuff at http://hbc.erikoinen.com/ and http://www.manujarvinen.com/

maxon | HBC | 3D gfx, Anim, Shaders, Postwork
Felor | HBC | 3D gfx, Anim, Shaders, Postwork
D Fast | HBC | Music
eetu | MATUREFURK | 3D gfx, Anim, Shaders, Postwork

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